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Jump Starter & Power Pack
Battery Capacity: 10,000 mAh (37Wh)
Dimensions & Weight
Dimensions: 162 x 85 x 29 mm
Weight: 410 grams
Input / Output
USB-A Output 1: 5V⎓3.2A (16W)
USB-A Output 2: 5V⎓3.2A (16W)
DC Output: 12V⎓16.8V=10A (168W Max)
USB-C Input: 5V⎓2A (10W)
Jump-Start Current: 12V⎓600A-1500A
Designed to Jump-Start (Up To): 10-cylinder petrol vehicles 7.0L (7000cc max), 8-cylinder diesel vehicles 4.5L (4500cc max)
Items Included
10K Jump-Starter Power Bank
USB-A to USB-C Cable
12V USB-A Car Charger
12V Multi-Function Adaptor
Spark-Free Jump-Start Cable
Protective carry case
User guide and warranty
30x jump starts per charge
Jump starts most vehicles
Up to 2.6 smartphone charges
2 x USB-A charging ports
Ultra safe 8 point safety system
LED flahlight with 3 modes
Power 12-Volt Portable items, Camp Fridges and much More.