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Citadel SkullsEnter the Citadel Skulls. This is a box of 340 plastic skulls, designed for the hobbyist to decorate scenery, bases and models as they see fit. There are even 20 extra jawbones!SPECIFICATIONS:
Plastic Skulls Included
82 x human skulls with jawbones
86 x human skulls without jawbones
15 x human jawbones
60 x assorted damaged human skulls
2 x giants’ skulls
1 x Morghast skull (in 2 components)
1 x beast skull (in 2 components)
4 x small horned skulls
4 x medium horned skulls
3 x large horned skulls
7 x bird skulls
2 x Chaos beast skulls
6 x plaguebearer skulls
6 x Bloodletter skulls
10 x T'au skulls
5 x Kroot skulls
6 x alien skulls
21 x Genestealer Hybrid skulls
20 x Ork skulls without jaws
5 x Ork jawbones
7 x Ork skulls with jaws open
7 x Ork skulls with jaws
Extra Jaws Included